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Unfortunately... Spanish ERP localization is complicated. Spain is different! By Antonio Gilabert (CEO, Axazure)

D365UG/AXUG’s Around-the-World webinar series: What you need to know about Dynamics 365 Finance localization features in Spain by Antonio Gilabert.

If your company is currently implementing multiple-country Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions or considering expanding its implementation, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing regulations and taxation differences in your subsidiaries.

You may be asking yourself questions like:
"What functionality has Microsoft implemented already?"
"What do I have to implement on my own or via a third party as a customization?"

This webinar focuses on locale-specific features and functionality in Spain. During this webinar, we discuss:
• An overview of the country/regional context.
• Aspects of local regulations including payment systems, taxation systems, and regulatory reporting.
• Best practices, tips and tricks, and any system gap to be aware of.
• Recommendation as to whether the involvement of a local D365 consultant or partner is needed.

Antonio Gilabert
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